4 After-sale service warranty
1 Installation guide and training service
(1) Provide installation guide to the customers.
(2) For project <3MW, Astronergy offers technical consultation and training by phone, Email, video clips etc.
(3) For 3MW~10MW project, free training at Hangzhou for 2 days.
(4) For project >10MW, free training at Hangzhou for 2 days, 5-10 days consultation and guidance on site where the
project is located is also available, Astronergy bares the traveling expenses.
2 Repair and replacement
Astronergy will offer free placement for the productions with defects or discrepancies in condition that the items ex-
pressed in the “Product warranty” declared by Astronergy are all satisfied.
(1) Astronergy will offer free placement and bear the cost of freight. (2)Astronergy will, upon getting reasonable
advance notice from Buyer, pay for the cost related to the productions with defects, including the cost of reconnais
sance to inspect the condition of defects on site, repairing and replacement works, and materials test etc.
(3) If Astronergy fails to repair or collect and replace any rejected goods as and when requested by Buyer in accord
ance with “Product warranty”, Buyer may, upon reasonable advance notice to Astronergy, itself or through third
parties, repair or replace such rejected goods, and Astronergy shall reimburse Buyer the actual costs of such repair.
(4) If the products are out of the period of warranty, customer should pay for the repairing and replacement service
that Astronergy will offer.
3 Maintenance
Astronergy has no responsibility to offer maintenance service. In special cases, Astronergy and buyer can discuss about
the maintenance service and making relative items in contract.
Chint Solar (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.
1335 Binan Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310053, PRC China.
+86 571 5603 1888
+86 571 5603 2383