5.5. Read and Modify the Parameters Setting of Radio Link
The D03 parameters have been set at the factory. You should be able to use it directly.
In the following cases, you may need to modify the radio parameters.
1. The baud rate of flight control is not the same as the preset baud rate.
2. Communication blocked due to multiple D03 radios occupying the same communication
3. There is special requirements for communication bandwidth and communication power.
To modify the parameters, pls refer to the below steps.
The way to modify the parameters of the airborne end and ground end is basically the same,
only the connection cable to the computer is different.
1) Hold down the
key and power on until the L2 light comes
, then release the key
2) Follow the connection methods in Figure 1 and 2, connect the ground terminal and computer
or the airborne terminal and computer respectively.
that the white line of the on-board
parameter configuration wire corresponds to the on-board TX, the black line corresponds to
GND, and the green line corresponds to RX.
Fig 1 Airborne end connection