Chinook is equipped
with two refrigerated compartments: a
load freezer
located forward of the stove
and a
front-load refrigerator
below and
left of the stove The on/off switch is on
the electrical panel. The thermostat,
located in the top back of the refrigerator,
is a dial labeled with the numbers
1(warmest) to 7(coldest) (see photo
bottom right). Setting the thermostat to
3 seems to keep food cold without
freezing it, although fresh food will
definitely freeze if placed close to the
thermos-plate in the back.
We find that
bagged or block ice lasts several days in
the freezer if care is taken to limit the
frequency and duration of lid-opening.
The freezer compartment keeps
previously-frozen items frozen, but it is
not good at freezing new items.
Water that has collected in the bottom of
the refrigerator or freezer can be removed
by pressing the labeled
button/switch just under the sink (see
photo below). The
shower pump breaker
must be ‘on’.
The freezer plug is located
in the navigation table
and must be
inserted for the refrigerator to drain.
Turning off the refrigerator breaker on
the electrical panel at night will help
conserve battery-life.
Pump-out Switch.
Top-load Freezer
Front-load Refrigerator