ABN 23 604 979 688 Nerta QLD Pty Ltd t/as Chiefs Australia
07 5493 8868
0476 350 552
3/6 Textile Avenue Warana QLD 4575
Read before Operating or installing Equipment
- Some equipment can cause death or serious Injury if used or operated incorrectly. Read and understand
these instructions carefully before installing or using this equipment. Know the controls and how to stop the unit
quickly in an emergency. The safety and those around you is your responsibility.
Your own Risk Assessment should be carried out before commencing any work. Five steps to basic risk
1 - Identify the hazards
2 - Decide who might be harmed and how
3 - Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution
4 - Record your findings and implement them
5 - Review your assessment and update if necessary.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Always wear correct and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the job at hand, such as but not
limited to:
Safety glasses or goggles. - Ear muffs or ear plugs - Dust mask or respirator - Protective gloves - Close fitting
protective clothing - Hard hat / hairnet - Protective or safety boots and footwear - Weld mask - Harnesses.
Be alert and cautious when wearing hearing protection as your ability to hear warnings (shouts, alarms etc.)
is restricted.
You must do your own risk assessment with regard to the correct PPE to wear. Refer to the General Safety
Do your own risk assessment for all jobs to be undertaken.
Seek advice from your doctor if you suspect you have any medical condition that may be affected by manual
work or the operation of equipment.
Do not use machinery if you feel tired or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication. Do take regular
rest breaks.
Do not operate equipment that you are not licensed, unfamiliar with or are not competent to operate. Never
let untrained people use the equipment.
Ensure you know how to operate it safely and be able to shut it down correctly in an emergency or if you
experience unexpected movement.
Check controls for proper response. Shut down the machine or equipment if a fault is detected. Do not try to
repair faulty equipment.
Check the condition of the machine and equipment at the start and end of each day or shift and report any
damage or defects. Do not operate if faulty.
Operate in clear open spaces were possible and if not possible be conscious of your surroundings and
consider having an observer stand by.
You should never operate high risk equipment without someone observing you at all times.
Ensure clear access and egress to where you are working. Always keep the work area well-lit and hazard
free. A tidy work area is a safe area.
Always have secure footing and balance and firm two handed grip. Never work on damp, wet or slippery
surfaces. Use harnesses where applicable.