background image



• Always pay attention to 

obstacles, located at the height 

of the child’s head, which could 

be a hazard (for example, door 

frames, branches of trees, etc).

• When using the backpack, pay 

special attention to the following 


• The balance of the person 

carrying the backpack may 

be adversely affected due to 

the movement of the child 

within it or the movements 

of the person carrying it.

• Do not bend or lean forward 

when carrying the backpack.

• Do not use the backpack 

while doing sporting 


• Care should be taken when 

putting on or removing the 


• When the backpack is placed 

onto the floor, or near the 

floor, care should be taken 

to avoid injury to your child’s 


• Do not use the backpack if 

any components are missing 

or damaged.

• Do not fit any accessories, spare 

parts, or components to the 

backpack that are not supplied or 

approved by Chicco.

• If the backpack is left exposed 

to direct sunlight for a long 

time, allow it to cool before 

placing your child in it. Prolonged 

exposure to direct sunlight may 

cause the fabric to fade.

• Prevent the backpack from 

coming into contact with 

salt water. It may cause the 

formation of corrosion.

• Keep all plastic bags out of the 

reach of children to prevent the 

risk of suffocation.

Failure to follow these warnings and the instructions could result in 

serious injury or death 


Avoid serious injury from falling or sliding out.

Always use child retention system.

Содержание Smart Support

Страница 1: ...nual Manual del propietario ReadallinstructionsBEFORE assemblyandUSEofproduct KEEPINSTRUCTIONSFOR FUTUREUSE LeatodaslasinstruccionesANTES dearmaryUSAResteproducto CONSERVELASINSTRUCCIONES PARAUSOFUTUR...

Страница 2: ...therand temperaturechangesbefore adults Thebackpackstandmustbe usedonlyforshortbreaksand notasaseat Afterseatingthechildinthe infantcarrier adjustlegopenings tofitbaby slegssnugly Bloodcirculationinyo...

Страница 3: ...nearthe floor careshouldbetaken toavoidinjurytoyourchild s feet Donotusethebackpackif anycomponentsaremissing ordamaged Donotfitanyaccessories spare parts orcomponentstothe backpackthatarenotsuppliedo...

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Страница 5: ...ia adelante Noutilicelamochila mientraspracticadeporte Presteatenci ncuandose pongaosequitelamochila Mientrasseest apoyando lamochilaenelsueloy durantetodoeltiempoque permanezcaapoyada preste atenci n...

Страница 6: ...ezextra dalamochiladesu embalaje procederconelensamblaje delosdistintoscomponentes 1 Levantarlacapotaenvertical paraquenoestorbelasoperaciones sucesivas WARNING Beforeuse removeanddisposeofall plastic...

Страница 7: ...arisperfectlyincontact withframe sjoint seepicture Push gentlyonthebumperbarina downwarddirectiontoensureitis lockedcorrectly Thebumperbarcanbereleasedand foldeddownforcompactstorage 3 Asegurarsequeel...

Страница 8: ...tandofthe backpack pullthestandtowardthe rearofthebackpack Thestandwill lockautomaticallyintoposition 5 Paraabrirlaestructura posteriordelamochila tirar delaestructurahacialaparte posteriordelamochila...

Страница 9: ...thestand untilis completelyclosed Thestandwilllock automatically Youcannowcomplete theassemblyofthebackpack 6 Seaconsejacerrarlaestructura cuandoseest utilizandola mochilallevadaenhombros Empujarlaest...

Страница 10: ...orte comoindicalafigura 8 Ensurethetubesarefitted correctly checkingthatthelocking springsarevisibleintheexternal holes andpullingthebackrestinan upwarddirection 8 Asegurarsequelostubosqueden perfecta...

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Страница 12: ...12 10 Toopenthesuncanopy pullthe smallfrontarchforward 10 Paraabrirlacapotaessuficiente conempujareltensoranteriorhacia adelante Canopy Capota 10...

Страница 13: ...a delasientoydebajodelacorreade laentrepierna Parabajarelasiento empujehaciaarribaeldispositivode ajustedeslizabledepl sticomientras leatraviesalacincha 12 Toraisetheseat pulldownonthe endofthestrap 1...

Страница 14: ...thestrap 13 Lasaberturasdelapiernadel morralsepuedenajustarv alahebilla situadadentrodelportadorenla correadeentrepierna Paraapretar lasaberturastiranhaciaabajoenla correa WARNING Afterseatingthechild...

Страница 15: ...llow tooffermaximumcomforttothe child 14 Lamochilatieneunminireductor internoparaelm ximoconfortdel beb Insert Pillow Minireductor WARNING Neverusethebackpackwithout insert pillow ADVERTENCIA Noutiliz...

Страница 16: adjustedtofitthechildsecurely shoulderstraps lapbeltandcrotch strap 15 Placethechildintothebackpack andsecurechildwiththechild retentionsystem Theheightof thechildretentionsystemcanbe adjustedtotwo...

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Страница 18: ...rrierdryintheair beforestoringinthebag Prolongedexposuretodirectsunlightmaycausethefabrictofade Esteproductonecesitamantenimientoperi dico Parasulavadoseguirlasinstruccionesdadasenlaetiquetadecomposic...

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Страница 20: ...www chiccousa com...
