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Use a commercial automatic battery charger according to manufacturers instructions.
Apply with preference the slow charging method and adjust the charge current according to the following rule of thumb: battery
capacity in Ah (amp hours) divided by 20 gives safe charging current in Amps.
4.5.3 Battery
Keep the battery clean and dry
- Keep the electrolyte level at 10 to 15 mm above the plates or at the indicated level; top up with distilled water only.
Keep the terminals and clamps tight, clean, and lightly covered petroleum jelly.
4.6 Storage
Run the compressor regularly, e.g. twice a week, until warm.
Load and unload the compressor a few times to operate the unloading and regulating components. Close the air outlet valves after
If the compressor is going to be stored without running from time to time, protective measures must be taken as
described In a separate Service Bulletin (ASB), which may be obtained on request. Consult Chicago Pneumatic.
4.7 Service Kits
A service kit is a collection of parts to fit a specific repair or rebuilding task.
It guarantees that all necessary parts are replaced at the same time which improves the uptime of the unit.
To purchase service paks contact your local Chicago Pneumatic representative.
250/750 hr. Pak:
order number
500 hr. Pak:
order number
1000 hr. Pak:
order number