SKU 65298
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
Page 2
impoRtant SaFetY
inFoRmation ............................ 3
geneRal poweR tool
SaFetY waRningS....................... 3
RecipRocating Saw SaFetY
waRningS ...................................... 5
gRounding ................................. 7
double inSulated toolS:
toolS with two pRong
plugS ............................................. 7
extenSion coRdS ......................... 8
SYmbologY ..................................... 8
SpeciFicationS .......................... 9
unpacking .................................. 9
Saw blade inStallation ....... 9
opeRating inStRuctionS ...... 9
FeatuReS ......................................... 9
woRk piece and woRk aRea
Set up .......................................... 10
handle Rotation ........................ 10
tRiggeR FeatuReS ...................... 10
geneRal cutting ........................ 10
plunge cutting .......................... 11
metal cutting ............................. 11
maintenance and
SeRVicing ............................... 12
inSpection, maintenance,
and cleaning ............................ 12
tRoubleShooting ...................... 13
paRtS liSt ................................. 14
aSSemblY diagRam ................ 15
limited 90 daY waRRantY .... 16