Stage 2:
Using the above procedure described for Stage 1, sharpen the blade in Stage 2.
Pull the blade once through the
slot of Stage 2 (figure 4) and once through the
slot (figure
5). for an eight (8) inch blade, take about four (4) seconds for each pull. for longer knives, take
about 6 seconds per pull and about 2-3 seconds for shorter blades. In general make about 2-3
pairs of pulls in Stage 2, more if necessary, to create a detectible burr before moving to Stage 3.
If the knife is extremely dull, additional pulls in Stage 2 may be needed or, alternately, make
additional pairs of pulls in Stage 1, then repeat in Stage 2 before proceeding to Stage 3.
Stage 3:
In general only three (3) pairs of pulls in Stage 3 will be necessary to obtain a razor sharp
edge. As in Stages 1 and 2, make alternate pulls in left (figure 8) and right slots, pulling the knife
through the slots at the same speed used in Stages 1 and 2.
More pairs of pulls in Stage 3 will refine the edge further, creating an edge particularly desirable
for gourmet preparations. fewer pulls in Stage 3 may be preferable if you will be cutting fibrous
foods as discussed in more detail in the following sections.
oPtimizinG thE kniFE EDGE For Each usE
GourmEt FooD PrEParation:
Where the finest and smoothest cuts are preferred in order to prepare smooth unmarked
sections of fruits or vegetables, sharpen in Stages 1 & 2 as described above and make extra pulls
through Stage 3. Three (3) or more pairs of pulls with each pull alternating in the left and right slots
of Stage 3 will refine the third facet and create remarkably smooth and sharp edges, (figure 9)
ideal for the gourmet chef.
When resharpening the Gourmet edge, use Stage 3 each time (alternating left and right slots).
When, after a number of resharpenings, it is taking too long to resharpen, you can speed the
process by resharpening first in Stage 2, following the procedures detailed, and then resharpen in
Stage 3. By this means, you will retain very smooth edges and prolong the life of your knives. This
procedure, unlike conventional sharpening, will give you extraordinarily sharp knives every day
while removing very little metal.
For mEat, FiElD DrEssinG anD hiGhlY FiBrous matErial:
for butchering, field dressing or cutting fibrous materials, you may find it advantageous to sharpen
in Stage 1 - followed directly by Stage 3. This will leave sharpened micro flutes along the facets
Figure 8. Inserting blade only in left slot of Stage 3.
Alternate left and right slots.