Accessing Your System From Anywhere - An Easier Way
You can also access your system remotely using the Remote Access provided by the
CheckBox Support Server. Accessing your system from the CheckBox Support Server
does not require you to know or remember your IP address, and works no matter how
often how often your IP address changes. This services is available at no charge for any
system covered under the original warranty or an extended support agreement.
To access your CheckBox System remotely you will need your site ID number, user
name and password. The site ID number is a four digit number assigned by CheckBox
Support. Your user name is also assigned by CheckBox Support. Your remote access
password is the same password that you use to access your CheckBox System when
you are logging in directly to the CheckBox. If you do not have a site ID number and user
name, please contact [email protected] to request one.
To Access your site via the Remote Access go to www.checkboxsystems.net and click
on the
on the top of the page.
In the Site Lookup box, enter your 4 digit site ID number then press
site lookup
A login box will pop up, requesting a username
and password. (The actual box may look different
depending upon your web browser). Enter your
user name and password and press
You will
see a
of your
status as
reported to the CheckBox support system. You
are not yet in your local CheckBox.
Typically your system status is updated every few
hours. Any unit highlighted in green is working. Any
item highlighted in yellow, pink or red is experiencing a
malfunction. A unit highlighted in blue is currently
undergoing a software update.
Click on the Name of your Site (the first item listed
) and you will be connected into your
CheckBox System.
If you receive an error
message after clicking on
the name of your site then
your site is not accessible. Possible reasons for a site not
being accessible include your CheckBox system being off-line
(either the system is down or the internet connection to the
system is not functioning) or the CheckBox system is behind a