Issue 19
Summer 2019
At the top of this tab is a read-only field that displays the electrical hook-up, as defined in
the General tab of the Configure Instrument dialog box. The remaining fields on this tab
are as follows:
Instrument Clock displays the current time of the instrument's system clock. You
can change this by clicking the Set button and completing the Date/Time dialog box.
Record Now when checked starts a recording immediately when the configuration is
written to the instrument. When you select this option, the Duration field is displayed
to allow you to set the length of the alarm detection session. Options range from 30
minutes (default) up to 8 weeks. Selecting Record Now also automatically checks
the Use the same dates, times, and names for the recordings and searches and
Schedule Recording options.
Use the same dates, times, and names for the recordings and searches specifies
that any selected recording sessions start and stop at the same date and time, and
also are stored under the same session name. If both this field and the Record Now
field are checked, all Starting Time and Ending Time fields on this tab are disabled;
all selected sessions will start and end in accordance with the specified duration. If
this field is checked and the Record Now field is not checked, the top row of
Starting Time, Ending Time, and Name fields is enabled; and the date/time/name
fields that individually apply to transients, inrush, and alarm searches are inactive
and grayed out. Session names can be up to eight alphanumeric characters long. If
this field is unchecked, you must enter an individual start and stop date/time and
session name for each selected recording.
Schedule Recording, Schedule Transient Search, and Schedule Inrush Search
when checked enable you to schedule a recording session, transient search, and
inrush search respectively. Consult the PowerPad III Control Panel Help for
instructions on how to complete these fields.
Schedule Alarm Search when checked schedules an alarm recording session,
using the settings configured in the Alarm Conditions tab of the Configure
Instrument dialog box.
When you are finished selecting settings, click OK. The recording will run immediately or at
the scheduled time, depending on the selected settings.