TCM Operation Manual
When the Compression indicator is illuminated, and the Tension indicator is dimly lit, this indicates the Compression-Cycle mode of operation. In this
mode, the crosshead will move in the compression direction (at the speed indicated on the display) when instructed to do so by pressing the Start/
Stop button. It will automatically continue in this direction until it reaches the lower adjustable limit switch position, at which point it will change to the ten-
sion direction and continue until it reaches the upper adjustable limit switch position. Upon reaching the upper adjustable limit switch position, it will change
direction again and continue to cycle back and forth between the two limit switch positions. The Cycle mode can also be controlled by Force when setting the
Load Limits on the force gauge and connecting the force gauge to the TCM using cable SPK-TCM-018. When the crosshead is in motion for this mode, the Com-
pression indicator will flash the following messages during the cycle:
with the Cycle Count C001, C002…
with the Cycle Count C001, C002.
The Maximum cycle count is 999.
Pressing the Start/Stop button again will stop the crosshead motion. Further, if a force gauge was set to
the TCM will continue to cycle to both lim-
its when a low or high signal is sent to the DFG port
The XMIT will stop the TCM only when connected to the Test Stand using the XMIT cable into the DFG Port.
When the Tension indicator is illuminated, and the Compression indicator is dimly lit, this indicates the Tension-Cycle mode of operation. In this mode,
the crosshead will move in the compression direction (at the speed indicated on the display) when instructed to do so by pressing the Start/Stop
button. It will automatically continue in this direction until it reaches the upper adjustable limit switch position, at which point it will change to the tension
direction and continue until it reaches the lower adjustable limit switch position. Upon reaching the lower adjustable limit switch position, it will change
direction again and continue to cycle back and forth between the two limit switch positions. The Cycle mode can also be controlled by Force when setting
the Load Limits on the force gauge and connecting the force gauge to the TCM using cable SPK-TCM-018. When the crosshead is in motion for this mode, the
Tension indicator will flash the following messages during the cycle:
with the Cycle Count C001, C002…
with the Cycle Count C001, C002.
The Maximum cycle count is 999.
Pressing the Start/Stop button again will stop the crosshead motion. Further, if a force gauge was set to
the TCM will continue to cycle to both lim-
its when a low or high signal is sent to the DFG port. The XMIT will stop the TCM only when connected to the Test Stand using the XMIT cable into the DFG Port.