Motor (Induction)
750W (1hp) 240V
Flow Rate
850 cubic metres per hour
Inlet Diameter 100mm
Bag Capacity 60 litres
Filtration Level 5 microns
Maximum Recommended Hose Length
3 metres
Maxumu Continuous Run Time
2 hours
Weight 27kg
Rating Hobby
Warranty 1 Year
Hobby Rating
Suitable for weekend
DIY’ers and woodworking enthusiasts. Refers to
generally lighter weight machines with lower power ratings and smaller tooling capacities.
Typically only ever used by one person for short periods of time or longer periods
infrequently. Machinery should be well maintained in a clean, dry environment such as a
home workshop, garage or timber shed.
Expected maximum use of 100 hours annually.
Please Note:
Using a product in excess of its rating will void the manufacturer’s free
All parts are contained in one