We recommend to regularly check the rescue system for signs of wear and to let
CHARLY or an authorised service centre repair it if necessary before the next use.
14. Checkup and packing preparations
Before packing, hang up the canopy so that it does not touch the ground for at least 6
hours in a well-ventilated room without direct UV exposure. If the canopy got wet,
please make sure that the suspension lines, that have become considerably heavier
due to the moisture, are unburdened and cannot stretch. Do not use heating
radiators for drying!
If possible, packing should be carried out on a packing table or at least on a clean,
antistatic underlay. As a packing aid, you need a piece of cord or a parachute line of
50 cm length and the possibility to put the canopy under tension between the
harness respectively the suspension point and the packing loop. We recommend to
attach an elastic cord with carabiner to the packing loop at the apex of the canopy.
Several small bags with lead scrap or sand can be used for weighing down the
canopy which makes packing easier and reduces the packing volume. All rubber
bands must be replaced by new ones when re-packing. Original rubber bands can be
purchased from CHARLY PRODUKTE.
We strongly recommend to let your rescue system be packed by a competent
The packer must inspect the canopy for possible damage. If the rescue system has
to be re-packed after an emergency deployment, a prior check-over by the
manufacturer or an authorised service centre is compulsory.