Charging Indications
When your battery charging system is activated, the battery status indicator
provides charging information utilizing five red LED indicators and one green
LED indicator.
Normal indications:
Red LED indicators — Five red LED indicators are provided in order to display
the progress of the charge cycle in percentage of charge. Indications are as
1 red BLINKING LED . . . . .No Battery Detected - Not Charging
1 red LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charging - Initial Charging Up To 10%
2 red LED’s . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charging - 30% Complete
3 red LED’s . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charging - 50% Complete
4 red LED’s . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charging - 70% Complete
5 red LED’s . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charging - 90% Complete
Green LED indicators— one green LED indicator is provided in order to display
the status of the battery once the charge cycle is terminated. Indications are as
BLINKING GREEN LED . . .Charge Complete - Within Last 12 Hours
STEADY GREEN LED . . . .Charge Complete - Monitoring Batteries
The green LED is illuminated whenever the charge cycle has terminated and the
internal circuitry has determined the batteries to be fully charged. The green LED
will blink during the first 12 hours following charge cycle completion. After the 12
hour period, the green LED will remain on steady and the internal circuitry will
monitor battery voltage. If the battery voltage drops to a factory determined
setting, the green LED will turn off and the charger will automatically return to
charge status.