This device is designed for use indoors.
Observe the permissible ambient temperatures for use
The device meets the requirements for electromagnetic
compatibility. Do not exceed the maximum values specified in
the applicable standards.
If you have any question, contact your local CHARDER MEDICAL
service partner.
All batteries contain toxic compounds; disposal of batteries should
be delegated to a competent organisation, complying with the
deposit of Poisonous Waste Regulation 1972.
Please do not incinerate batteries.
The optimum operating temperature for the scale is 5
to +35
although it will operate at higher and lower temperatures the
scales battery life will be adversely effected.
We would recommend using alcohol based wipes or similar
when cleaning the scales.
Please do not use large amounts of water when cleaning the
scales as this will cause damage to the scales electronics, you
should also refrain from using corrosive liquids or high pressure
Always disconnect the scales from the mains power supply
before cleaning.
3. Connection failure for data transmission to PC or printer
Wrong connection wires or faulty wires for transmission
between the digital indicator & load cells.
Wrong indicator models
Wrong internal wiring or wire broken
In case of the following defective mode occurs, it is suggested
to contact your nearest Authorized Dealer for further technician
service & repair:
1. Power Switch-on failure :
Short circuit wires - Wire broken
Safety fuse burnt out
Wire connection problem
Main power adaptor faulty – Parts Replacement
2. LCD display faulty
Possible hardware defects include: Uneven brightness in the
LCD display screen & texts color blurred, smeared rainbow
screen, incorrect decimal display
LCD PIN broken or short circuit
PCB cooper foil broken & loosed welding
Unable to save or read data – IC or transistor faulty, internal
parts broken.
LCD showing “ERRL” after switch on - Load cell damaged
Overload may cause the weigh to malfunction.
Software system crash
Resonator faulty
Load cells with faulty grinding standard.
Key buttons failure - Front key panel damaged or
3. Buzzer malfunction
Wrong welding of PVC wire
Key buttons & control panel damaged or disconnected.