Instrt1ctio11 Mant12Ll
Aton,ic Clock
Model Nun,ber: 00582GT1 / 00582,;\l
About the Atomic Clock
The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) in Fort Collins,
Colorado broadcasts the tin1e signal (WWVB at 60kHz AM radio signal)
\Vith an accuracy of 1 second per every 3,000 years. The signal \Vil! able
to cover over a distance up to 2,000 n1iles f
on1 the source. Like a typical
AM radio, your Ato111ic will not able to receive the W\VVB signal in
places surrounded by heavy concrete or 111etal panels. The reception of
the ti111e signal is also greatly affected by electrical or electronic interfer
ence. To get the best perfon11ance of the Aton1ic clock, please install the
clock nearer to a window and change directions if one direction does not
work. Refer to the "reception" section of the instructions to ensure the
correct installation and the best reception.
Battery Installation and Set Up
After po1vver up, the display \vill show all segn1ents for 3 seconds; then
display 12:00prn Jan 1, 2000(default-hidden) together \vith roon1
te111perature and flashing tin1e zone. The Tin1e Zone is defaulted at PST······
Pacific Standard Ti111e.
***The tin1e zone \Vil] flash for 30 seconds allowing for the selection of
the preferred tin1e zone.
1.o Select the co1Tect Ti111e Zone by pressing the TIJVIE ZONEo
button on back of the clock to select Pacific Ti1ne (P ), Ivlountaino
Tin1e (M), Central Tin1e (C ), Eastern Tin1e (E)o
***The Tin1e, Day/Date stan1p \vill set auton1atically once signal is caught.