There’s an internal battery
which lasts for about an
hour and a half
Normally, you should keep
the In-Home Display plugged
in, but the internal battery
means you can carry the it
around the house to investigate
the effects of turning on
different appliances.
If the screen goes blank when
it’s unplugged, wake it up
by pressing the round, flat
button on the back.
If it doesn’t wake up, plug it back
in to recharge it. You won’t lose
any data if it loses charge, it’ll
all leap back into life when you
plug it in again.
You don’t need to
take meter readings
any more
As part of your installation, our
engineer has taken your last
meter readings and should put
those into your Bulb Account.
From now on, as well as sending
information to your In-Home
Display, your smart meters will
send information to your Bulb
Account automatically.
This means your statements
will be based on your actual
usage instead of estimates,
and there’s no need to send us
meter readings. Hooray!