Page: 18/81 User Manual PSU-CTRL-2D, Rev.1-00: Software Utilities
CGC Instruments
Tel.: +49 (371) 355 098–55
Hübschmannstr. 18 | D–09112 Chemnitz
Fax: +49 (371) 355 098–60
e–mail: [email protected]
COM6 opened for the communication port 0
Press '?' for help
The utility enters the interactive mode and waits for command input.
In case of any problems, check whether the port number matches the
system settings and whether the connected device is powered on and
working properly. If an error occurs, please consult the section "Error
Codes". Tables 10 and 11 explain the possible error messages; they
should help you to locate the reason for the software failure.
To check the communication, press the 'p' key to obtain the product
identification text. The device should respond as follows:
Product identification: HV-PSU-CTRL-2D, Rev.1-00
If the device responds properly, you can enter other program com-
mands. Press '?' to obtain the help listing of all available commands
In practice, you may prefer to use the command line mode instead of
the interactive mode. For instance, the former allows you to save
complete commands in batch files for repeated usage.
Tables 2-9 summarize all allowable command line parameters of the
. Besides the parameters, the tables
also list the functions of the software interface (see section "Software
Interface") that are called by the utility when the respective parameter
is executed. Refer to the descriptions of the functions for more details.
Note that several command line parameters, e.g. most of the com-
mands for managing the configurations, do not have any equivalent
functions. They either call several functions or they use functions not
intended to be called by the user directly.
The parameters are processed from left to right. When encountering
an error in the command line, the program stops with an error text in-
dicating the command line parameter in which the error occurred and
displaying the help text with the list of all available commands.
In several cases, the command line parameters can be specified as
either a lowercase or an uppercase character. Use capitals, i.e. up-
percase characters, if a continuous operation should be initiated. In
Note that keyboard layouts different to the US one may cause issues when evaluating
several characters. We recommend to switch to the US keyboard layout when using
the utility COM-
-Control in the interactive mode.