The “mobile power presenter” makes
presentations in many different conference room and
seating arrangements. Typical “shoebox style” speakers
in these conference rooms suffer from so much
distortion as to render them useless. Without
convenient amplified sound, the presenter must speak
in a loud or unnatural voice. The PAS
makes all these
situations easy to deal with in one lightweight portable
package that weighs less than 2 lbs. Now the presenter
can have total confidence that his or her natural voice
will be heard and understood. This reduces listener
fatigue and improves speech intelligibility and
information retention. These desirable effects can be
accomplished by merely placing the PAS speakers on a
flat table surface and making connections as instructed
in this manual.
Sound effects and music will be heard as
never before making the presentation delightful to hear.
Well recorded music will sound like the live
The satellite speakers and optional subwoofer
are magnetically shielded and can be placed close to
the video displays without distorting the video image.
Speakers do not need to be placed far apart for
stereo effects because the PAS produces near perfect
surround sound.
The subwoofer does not necessarily have to be
placed in any particular relationship to the satellites.
However, placing the subwoofer on the floor close to a wall
or corner of a room provides maximum bass efficiency. The
subwoofer is magnetically shielded and can also be placed
near video displays.
All speakers used in voice
presentations are susceptible to microphone
feedback. In order to minimize microphone
feedback and distortion, the speakers should be
placed as close as possible to the audience and the
microphone should be placed as far away from the
speakers as possible. Please see the following
suggested room set-up drawings on page 21 and 22.
It may be helpful to have an assistant adjust the
speaker volume while the presenter is talking.
Page 16
PAS - Placement of Speakers