If installing another tail gearbox other than Century’s, follow the example detailed above and make the required
modifications to mount into the tail section.
Step 5. Installing a flexible cable drive system
Step 5. Installing a flexible cable drive system
Step 5. Installing a flexible cable drive system
Step 5. Installing a flexible cable drive system
Step 5. Installing a flexible cable drive system
A key element in installing a flexible cable drive system (photo #3) is to make sure the ends of the brass housing
are properly secured. It is our recommendation to buy some additional 1/8” plywood and cut two 7/8” diameter
round circles. The F15 former has precut hole for the coupler to pass through, however in many installations the
bare flexible cable will be exposed at this point (as when using the Century tail gearbox (part#CN1109). Bond
both wooden circles to each other and then bond below (make sure the former is positioned in the correct direc-
tion) the F15 former using Epoxy. Mark the centerline of the tail gearbox
input shaft (simple when only one half of the gearbox is mounted to F16) and
drill straight through with a drill bit that is 1/16” larger than the brass hous-
Step 6. Install the tail pitch lever
Step 6. Install the tail pitch lever
Step 6. Install the tail pitch lever
Step 6. Install the tail pitch lever
Step 6. Install the tail pitch lever
Install the tail pitch lever to the tail gearbox with the necessary steel ball and
mark the location for the flexible rudder pushrod (included with the fuselage)
to pass through the F15 former. Again, drill the hole 1/16” larger than the
size of the outside housing.
Step 7. Prepare to permanently bond
Step 7. Prepare to permanently bond
Step 7. Prepare to permanently bond
Step 7. Prepare to permanently bond
Step 7. Prepare to permanently bond
To prepare to permanently bond the F15 former into the elevated tail section, several things need to be com-
pleted. The brass housing, the rudder pushrod, and the left tail gearbox half need to be installed. First decide the
best method to bond in the former. The recommended choices are:
Drill several small holes in the fiberglass body along the centerline of the former, once the former is moved
into final position, inject Stabilit or Epoxy using a syringe inserted into each hole, while forcing the fiberglass
slightly away from the wood former. As the syringe is remove the fiberglass compresses against the wood
former forcing any excess glue to the edges. Repeat process for all holes.
Using a saw or moto-tool grind vertical slots in the edge of the former spaced 1/8 ” apart. Measure and mark
the inside wall where the final position of the top surface of the former will be. Once ready, use a Q-tip or
applicator and apply Stabilit or Epoxy above the mark on the inside of the fiberglass and to the outside edge
of the former. Wipe any excess from the edge leaving adhesive inside the slots. Move the assembly into final
position, as the former passes through the glue previously applied to the inside of the tail section it will form a
solid bond to the former.
A variation on the first approach is to grind a slot through the centerline of the former 1/16-3/32” deep and
drill only a few holes through the fiberglass. As the adhesive in injected, it will flow around the former and
bond it in place.
Step 8. Test fitted into the inside of the tail section
Step 8. Test fitted into the inside of the tail section
Step 8. Test fitted into the inside of the tail section
Step 8. Test fitted into the inside of the tail section
Step 8. Test fitted into the inside of the tail section
The F15 former needs to be test fitted into the inside of the tail section. Inspect the internal opening and grind or
sand any excess material that will interfere with test fitting the former. To make this task simpler, tie a cord
through the pushrod and drive shaft hole to make removing the former simple. Sand the edges until the former
can be moved into the final position with your fingers without excessive force. Once satisfied, stop here.
Step 9. Before the F15 former is permanently bonded
Step 9. Before the F15 former is permanently bonded
Step 9. Before the F15 former is permanently bonded
Step 9. Before the F15 former is permanently bonded
Step 9. Before the F15 former is permanently bonded
Before the F15 former is permanently bonded in place the same work needs to be performed on the remaining
formers (F14, F13 & F12) that will position the brass housing. At this point skip down to Step 23d and complete
this step as it uses the F12 former as a template. Inspect and grind or sand any material that will interfere with
installing these formers. Also verify that the holes match the brass housing, make any changes at this time. Each
former needs to be prepared and test fitted according to your preferred gluing method. However, access to these
formers is from the front, so that at least one side of each former can be properly reinforced by filleting. Again
stop here without gluing the formers in place.
photo #3
photo #3
photo #3
photo #3
photo #3