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SKU 40963
OperaTing inSTrucTiOnS
read the enTire impOrTanT
SaFeTY inFOrmaTiOn section
at the beginning of this manual
including all text under
subheadings therein before set
up or use of this product.
These general instructions will
not apply to all engine designs
and/or vehicles. Consult engine
manufacturer’s service instructions
which supersede these instructions.
Locate the engine’s timing mark
by referring to the vehicle’s
engine manual or contacting the
manufacturer. Refer to the vehicle’s
manual or contact the manufacturer
for the timing specifications of the
engine being tested.
Start the engine and run for 5-15
minutes until normal operating
temperature is reached.
Stop engine.
Turn the timing advance knob on the
back of the timing light to 0°.
If the vehicle specifications and
instructions require it, locate the
vacuum line that attaches to the
ignition distributor vacuum advance
and disconnect the line and plug the
end of it. A golf tee or small pencil
may be used to plug the line.
The Spark Plug Clamp is fragile
and may break if dropped or struck
Timing Light hook up
Spark plug
#1 Spark
6. Connect the timing light to the 12 V
Battery, and connect the Spark Plug
Clamp to the Spark Plug Wire as
shown above. The spark plug clamp
must be connected with the arrow on
the clamp pointing towards the spark
Start the engine and operate it at idle
Warning! Be careful working
around the engine while the engine
is running. moving belts and
the fan can cause severe injury
if contacted. metal engine parts
release tremendous heat. do not
make contact with any part of the
Squeeze the trigger on the timing
light and direct the flash onto the
engine timing marks to obtain a
reading. Compare the reading from
the timing mark to the reading in the
manufacturer’s specifications. If
the timing does not match with the