quadruple stars in the sky.
Variable Stars Select list of the brightest variable stars
with the shortest period of changing
A unique list of some of the most
recognizable star patterns in the sky.
CCD Objects
A custom list of many interesting galaxy
pairs, trios and clusters that are well suited
for CCD imaging with the Advanced GT
IC Objects
A complete list of all the Index Catalog
deep-sky objects.
Abell Objects
A custom list of the Abell Catalog deep-
sky galaxies.
A complete list of all 88 constellations.
Info: Displays coordinates and useful information about objects selected from the
Advanced GT database.
Tour: Activates the tour mode, which seeks out all the best objects for the current
date and time, and automatically slews the telescope to those objects.
Enter: Pressing Enter allows you to select any of the Advanced GT functions and
accept entered parameters.
Undo: Undo will take you out of the current menu and display the previous level of
the menu path. Press Undo repeatedly to get back to a main menu or use it to erase
data entered by mistake.
Menu: Displays the many setup and utilities functions such as tracking rates and user
defined objects and many others.
Scroll Keys: Used to scroll up and down within any of the menu lists. A double-
arrow will appear on the right side of the LCD when there are sub-menus below the
displayed menu. Using these keys will scroll through those sub-menus.
Rate: Instantly changes the rate of speed of the motors when the direction buttons
are pressed.
RS-232 Jack: Allows you to interface with a computer and control the telescope
Hand Control Operation
This section describes the basic hand control procedures needed to operate the Advanced GT
Series Telescopes. These procedures are grouped into three categories: Alignment, Setup
and Utilities. The alignment section deals with the initial telescope alignment as well as
finding objects in the sky; the setup section discusses changing parameters such as tracking
mode and tracking rate; finally, the last section reviews all of the utilities functions such as
calibrating your mount, polar alignment and backlash compensation.