66 • Optional Accessories
The following is a partial list of optional accessories available for your Celestron
CM-1100/1400. You will find that additional accessories enhance your viewing
pleasure and expand the usefulness of your telescope. For ease of reference,
all the accessories are listed in alphabetical order.
AC Adapter - 110V - 60Hz (#18770) - The AC Adapter allows you to run your
CM telescope off of AC rather than the standard DC battery.
Advanced Astro Master (#93900) - This unique accessory contains a data
base of more than 10,000 objects! Included are the Messier catalog, NGC
catalog, IC catalog, portions of the ESO catalog, portions of the UGC catalog,
special non-stellar catalog which contains objects not found in any of the other
catalogs, a star catalog containing 241 interesting double and multiple stars,
and a user definable catalog that allows you to enter 25 of your favorite objects.
And, scrolling information cross references Sky Atlas 2000.0 or Uranometria .
Unlike other digital setting circles, which require the use of a clock drive, the
Advanced Astro Master can be used with or without a clock drive. All you have
to do is align on any two of the 28 navigational alignment stars in the Advanced
Astro Master’s data base and you are ready to observe. Once aligned, the
system keeps track of where it is pointed. And, the Advanced Astro Master
has an RS-232 port for complete interface to your personal computer. The RS-
232 cable (#93921) is available. The encoder installation kit for the CI-700
mount is #93908.
Barlow Lenses - A Barlow lens is a negative lens that increases the focal
length of a telescope. Used with any eyepiece, it doubles the magnification of
that eyepiece. Celestron offers two Barlow lenses in the 1-1/4" size. The 2x
Ultima Barlow (#93506) is a compact triplet design that is fully multicoated for
maximum light transmission and parfocal when used with the Ultima eye-
pieces. It works very well with all Celestron eyepieces. The latest Barlow to
be added to Celestron’s product line (#93507) is a low profile achromatic
design. It weighs just 4 oz. and it is under 3" in length.
Counterweight - 11 lbs. - Extra counterweights (#94195) may be necessary
when using heavy accessories.
2” Mirror Diagonal (#93519) -For the CM-1100 (Standard on CM-1400). Like
the l-
" Prism Star Diagonals, the 2" Mirror Diagonal allows you to use 2"
eyepieces with your Celestron telescope. These larger eyepieces offer wider
fields and better eye relief for greater viewing comfort. This accessory is NOT
recommended for use with the Reducer/Corrector Lens.
Erect Image Diagonal (#94112-A) - For daytime terrestrial viewing the Erect
Image Diagonal produces images through your Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope
that match what you see with the unaided eye. This accessory uses an Amici