CEDAR Duo – declickle and auto dehiss
The model value ranges from 00 to 99 on an arbitrary scale, and the current values are
displayed both numerically and on the horizontal bar-graphs.
Allows you to select the most appropriate detection mode for the material being processed. The
options are:
Designed for audio signals that exhibit clearly defined clicks. It is not suitable for restoring
material with 'grungier' crackle. This mode is the least likely to cause any damage when used
inappropriately, and will maintain the brightness of the original signal. Use it for removing clicks
from high bandwidth signals such as obtained from high quality vinyl and signals recorded
directly to digital media.
A compromise between fine and coarse settings, this is the most commonly used mode.
Designed to detect rounded, 'grungier' clicks and crackle, this mode will detect more problems,
but with a greater risk of signal degradation when used inappropriately. This damage will be
heard as a loss of high frequency content in very bright passages such as the rasp of a trumpet.
This mode is particularly suitable for restoring low quality media that exhibit a great deal of
damage, such as optical film soundtracks.