2. The timer will continue to record shots even after the
selected Par time has elapsed. This allows accurate
review of all late shots and their exact time fired.
When a Par time is set, the second beep will sound
at the exact pre-set time for a 0.3 second duration.
Menu -> Par -> Par Series
A Par Series is a set of single Pars put together in a
sequence, each of which is activated by a separate
press on the Start button. The CED7000PRO allows for
a maximum of 20 Par Series to be programmed in.
1. Select Menu -> Par -> Par Series
2. Set the desired Par time and number of Pars using
the arrow buttons.
3. Press Start to activate or Back to go back
The user has to set Par Series N before Par Series N+1
can be set. For example, Par Series 1 has to be set be-
fore Par Series 2 can be set.
Menu -> Par -> Multi Par
A Multi Par is a set of pars put in a sequence off one ac-
tivation (one start beep). The CED7000PRO Timer can
set up to 20 Pars which will beep once after the other.
Each par setting is timed after the previous Par - take
the following scenario as an example:
Par 1: 1sec
Par 2: 3.5sec
Par 3: 2sec
In this case Par 1 will beep exactly one second after the
Start signal (at 1 second), the second Par will beep 3.5
seconds after the first Par (at 4.5 seconds) and Par 3
will beep 2 seconds after the second Par (at 6.5 sec-