TRAXALL X200 Series Mul frequency Transmi er User Guide
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This User Guide is designed to instruct you in the func on, capabili es,
use, and care of CDI X200-Series mul frequency pig-tracking transmi ers.
Electromagne c pipeline pig loca on and tracking transmi ers
TRAXALL Mul -frequency transmi ers operate by emi ng
electromagne c fi elds at a very low frequency (between 17 and 32 Hz)
as well as the industry-standard 22 Hz. This makes them safe and reliable
for use in any onshore or o
shore environment and any pipeline product
(water, oil, gas, ammonia, carbon dioxide, etc.).
The X200 is a TRAXALL-compa ble electromagne c pipeline pig-tracking
transmi er that o
ers both programmable frequency and power control
through CDI’s proprietary FieldLink wireless communica ons system.
Frequency Control allows the operator to confi gure the transmi er to one
of TRAXALL’s seven colorized frequencies, or the 22 Hz legacy frequency
for backward compa bility with CDI’s CD42 receiver or compe ve
Power Control allows the operator to directly manage a tradeo
X200 range vs. ba ery life. For example, you can set output power to
maximum for short runs/long range, or reduce output power for long
runs/long ba ery life.
is CDI’s proprietary wireless communica ons network. Each X200
transmi er comes with a built-in radio frequency antenna. By connec ng
a supplied radio frequency USB key, any Windows PC or laptop can be used
to confi gure the X200.