Any opera on involving work on pipelines containing gases or liquids
under pressure is poten ally hazardous. It is necessary, therefore, to
follow correct procedures in the use of this equipment to maintain a
safe working environment.
No person should use this equipment unless fully aware of poten al
hazards of working with pressurized pipelines and trained in the
procedures stated in this manual.
The purchaser of this equipment is responsible for the training
and competence of operators and the manner in which it is used.
Contact CDI immediately should any di
culty arise in the use of
this equipment.
Always use cau on when opening any CDI transmi er
that has been in a pressurized environment.
It is possible for pressurized liquid or gas to leak into a transmi er
and remain there even a er the transmi er has been removed from
the pipeline.
Always point the transmi er away from yourself or others when
opening a cover or end cap.
TRAXALL X200 Series Mul frequency Transmi er User Guide
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