CD42 Pipeline Pig Location & Tracking System
Page 45
Version/Statistic Info
The Version/Statistic Info menu selection displays current information regarding the status of the
CD42-R system, as well as contact information for CDI, the original manufacturer of the system.
Highlighting and selecting Version/Statistic Info displays data similar to Figure 68.
Figure 68 Serial Interface Version/Statistic Info
Included on this screen are the following pieces of information:
Contact information for CDI.
The version number and the compilation data of the firmware of the system.
The Equipment Owner text. This text is displayed on the opening screen when the system is
first booted.
Card Number. The serial number of the electronics circuit board.
Chassis Number. The serial number of the hardware chassis that the electronics circuit board is
housed in.
The current battery voltage as measured by the system.
The current amount of memory used by all recordings in memory.