Flexible Gas Pipe
The flexible gas pipe must be fitted to ensure that it does not come
into contact with a moving part of the housing unit (e.g. a drawer) and
that there is no obstruction to the pipe. This should be installed in
accordance with fig 17.
Correct & incorrect method of installing a flexible cooker connection
Couplings and hose should be installed in the
same plane as shown on the right. Do not
offset couplings – this causes twisting and
undue strain causing premature failure.
The method on the right shows the correct
way to install cooker hoses for vertical
traverse. Note the single natural loop.
Allowing a sharp bend as shown on the left
strains and twists the hose to a point of early
failure at the coupling.
Try to maintain the minimum or larger bending
diameter between the coupling for the
longest life as shown on the right. Closing
in the diameter as shown on the left creates
double bends causing work fatigue failure of
the fittings.
Cooker hoses should not be fitted horizontally
as shown on the left as this will strain the
connections. Where horizontal gas supplies
are encountered, the hose should be
connected as shown on the right.
fig. 17
Incorrect method
Correct method