An electronic device switches all the 12V mains off, when the leisure battery reaches the minimal voltage
level of 10V. It is possible to switch on again all the mains for 1 minute by switching off and then on again
the main switch.
They are also automatically switched on again when the voltage is > 12V.
The fridge, the electrical step and the mains powered directly from B2 are excluded from this device.
The electronic tankprobe mod. “SPE” is a capacitive tankprobe. It is powered with 5V and a back-signal
from 0 to 2,5V.
Each 8 seconds the microprocessor gives power to the tankprobe; it is also powered each time you push
the tank-test button. This was studied in order to avoid useless consumption.
The tank probe has been already programmed by CBE, but it is still possible to check the correct working
of the tankprobe and its setting by following these instructions:
- activate the function
- in this way the tankprobe gets a continue power supply of 5V, so that you can control with a voltmeter
the back-signal of 2,5V and you can also adjust, by using the tankprobe’s trimmer, possible small
variations. (i.e. tank 100 L : value “0 V” = 0 %, value “2,5 V” = 100 %).
- switch the main switch off and then on again.
(only for "PC-200")
(only for "PC-200")
(only for "PC-200")
(only for "PC-200")
(only for "PC-200")
This function is used during the drink water tank refilling and it shows the level reached by the water.
You switch on this function by visualizing the drink water tank and by keeping pushed the tank switch for
more than 3 seconds.
When this function is on, you see getting lightened, in sequence, the horizontal segments of the number
ref. 18 and the panel emits sounds in order to warn that the tank is getting filled:
1 short sound at 75%, 2 short sounds at 85% and 1 long sound at 95%.
- Internal and external temperatures are measured through sensors which are placed inside and outside
of the vehicle.
- The measuring precision is ± 1°C.
When one switches on the panel, the time gets displayed; after every test-function the time gets
displayed again.
In order to set the clock, keep pushing for 2 secs the test button ref. 1 while the time gets displayed. The
hours’ digits start blinking and by pushing the test buttons ref. 2 e ref. 3 one can modify their value.
By pushing the test button ref. 1 again, one can start setting the minutes’ digits.
By pushing the test button ref. 1 for the third time, one confirms the clock setting.
To enter the programmation menu turn on the control panel with the switch ref. 5 while keeping pushed
the buttons ref. 2 and 3
The progammation is sequential: to shift to the next parameter push the button ref. 1.
1. Voltmeter B1. With the buttons ref. 2 and 3 one can modify the displayed value in 0,2V steps
2. Voltmeter B2. With the buttons ref. 2 and 3 one can modify the displayed value in 0,1V steps
3. Amperemeter B2 (N.C).
4. Internal temperature. With the buttons ref. 2 and 3 one can modify the displayed value in 0,5°C steps
5. External temperature. With the buttons ref. 2 and 3 one can modify the displayed value in 0,5°C steps
Pushing again the button ref. 1 you exit the programmation menu.