With the suction hose disconnected from the WaterBox™, allow the pump to run
until all water is flushed out of the three filter housings. This system flush may take
several minutes to complete.
Disconnect the electrical power to the system.
To remove old cartridge(s), unscrew the clear filter housing by turning the housing
clockwise (when viewed from above). If the housing does not unscrew easily, use the
plastic filter housing wrench supplied with the unit to loosen the housing. If the
system has been used previously, discard the used cartridge(s) and any water that
remains in the cartridge housing(s).
To install a CB Tech filter cartridge
Remove the protective plastic wrapper from the
filter cartridge(s).
Apply thin film of Petrol-Gel O-Ring lubricant
(included) on both O-Rings (Figure 9).
Insert cartridge in the housing with the two O-
rings toward the top. The cartridge should seat
itself easily in the filter housing assembly.
Rinse any particulate debris out of the filter
housing taking care to verify that the threads at
the top of the housing are also clear of debris.
Figure 9: Filter cartridge with
O-rings and Silicone Gasket
Check that the large black O-ring at the top of the housing is in place and free
from debris. Apply Petrol-Gel O-Ring lubricant if this O-ring appears to be dry.
Thread the housing back into the filter housing assembly until it is hand tight. Do
not force the cartridge or assembly. Typically, it is unnecessary to use the filter
wrench to tighten the housing. However, if there are water leaks at the top of a
housing once the system is restarted, use the housing wrench to gently tighten
the leaking filter housing.
It is recommended that you record the dates that you install new filter cartridge to help
you track the performance of your system.