Rev. 0/ 14-07-2020
The flow shut-off valve is located inside the metal body of the meter in the inlet connection, and is not
accessible without causing permanent damage to the meter.
The purpose of the valve is to intercept the flow of gas to the user for commercial purposes only. In no way
or condition should the valve be intended and used as a useful device to place the user's system in safety
against possible or confirmed gas leaks. The valve is specially designed to guarantee its performance and
operation for at least 15 years and is able to provide the steering microprocessor with the real state of the
valve (closed/open) and indications about the correct operation.
The shut-off valve is configured to be closed by a command sent from the Data Management Platform to the
PRODIGI gas meter.
Only the Acccount manager is entitled to send the closing command.
Once the PRODIGI receives the closing command, the operator could check the effective closure on the
following screen of the display:
The "SV" screen shows the valve status:
- 00 – Open valve
- 20 – Closed valve
- 40 – Valve opening enabled
The valve status is also indicated with a lock symbol located at
the top right of the display. The symbol is indicated only with the
status "20" or "40" to indicate that the valve is closed.
The opening of the valve, previously closed, must be previously authorized by the Data Management
Platform. The status of the valve can be displayed in the menu on the display. To reactivate a previously
closed valve, PRODIGI must first have received "opening authorization" from the Control Centre.