SERVICE MANUAL | 67070 Plunger Pump
(763) 780-5440 | [email protected] | www.catpumps.com
Bearing Covers
(Check for leaking oil)
Crankcase Oil Seals
(Check for leaking oil)
Inspection of the crankcase for leaks is an essential step in the preventive maintenance of a pump. Worn seals and O-rings not only can create
a mess with leaking oil, but can lead to premature parts wear and damage due to low crankcase oil level.
To check the oil level in the crankcase, use the dipstick located on the rear cover. On pumps that have an oil bubble gauge on the crankcase,
observing oil that appears cloudy or milky indicates the presence of water in the crankcase. On the Model 67070, use the dipstick to inspect the
integrity of the oil. A water/oil mix does not provide enough lubrication to the components in the drive end and will cause damage.
This damage can occur on the plunger rods or the crankshaft and connecting rods. Also, without a layer of oil on the drive end components, oxi-
dation and rust will form on the bearings and crankshaft. If contamination is suspected, inspect and replace the seals in the pump manifold, then
clean out the inside of the crankcase and change the oil.
Spot-check the following areas for signs of leaks and contact Cat Pumps or a local distributor for servicing crankcase if needed.
Crankcase Component Inspection