SERVICE MANUAL | 67070 Plunger Pump
(763) 780-5440 | [email protected] | www.catpumps.com
1.26 The female adapter has a flat side and a
grooved side. Install with the groove side
facing up.
1.29 Install backup ring and then O-ring on both
ends of V-packing spacer.
1.24 With crankcase side of inlet manifold facing
upwards, install groove side facing down
and press into place.
1.25 Turn inlet manifold over.
1.27 Install the pair of V-packings into each seal
chamber with the groove side facing up.
1.28 Install male adapter into each seal chamber
with “V” shape facing down.
Servicing the Seals
1.32 Install inlet spacer into each inlet chamber.
1.30 Install V-packing spacer into each seal
1.31 Install O-rings on both ends of inlet spacer.
The seal kit contains three (3) plunger
retainer O-rings and should be replaced at
this time prior to re-installing manifolds.
Lubricate O-rings on inlet spacers and V-packing spacers prior to reassembly.