SERVICE MANUAL | 3570 Series Plunger Pumps
(763) 780-5440 | [email protected] | www.catpumps.com
Servicing the Seals
1.46 Install new plunger retainer O-rings between
backup rings and head of the retainer.
1.49 Insert plunger retainers with O-rings into non-
stepped sides of plungers.
1.47 Apply a lubricant to outside surfaces of the
plunger retainer O-rings.
1.50 Place a drop of Loctite® 242®on the threaded
ends of the plunger rods.
1.51 Thread plunger assemblies into plunger rods
by hand, and torque to 220 in-lbs, 18 ft-lbs or
24 Nm.
1.48 Look for stepped side of plungers. These sides
go towards the pump crankcase.
1.44 Install barrier slingers with dish side facing
away from crankcase.
1.45 Install keyhole washers. The slot can face any
Loctite and 242 are registered trademarks of the Henkel Corporation.
1.52 Install seal retainers with wick tabs facing
down and into the oil pan.