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c) The control box should be visible to person operating it so that
trip condition can be easily reset.
d) Occasionally performers or the audience may be tempted to vandalise the
equipment if the performer refuses to turn his volume down and the unit
keeps tripping. The unit should not be too readily available to the audience.
Mounting the Orange Beacon Warning Light
This may be mounted at any convenient point where it may be seen by the
audience and the person in control of amplifier volume. This is 12 Volt D.C.
and no difficulties have been experienced with cable of up to 50 metres.
Mounting the Microphone
The microphone should be mounted in the body of the room out of tampering
fingers and directed towards the main source of the sound. Special care
should be taken to avoid audience pick-up, as a premature or undesirable cut-
off could be caused by mounting (for example) over a club bar where shouting
customers or applause could be unrepresentative of the overall sound level in
the room. The microphone should be mounted on a vibration free mounting
such as the microphone mounting clip supplied.
Microphone Wiring
The microphone lead connects directly to the microphone using the
connector provided. This connector is a switch craft type A3-M with the
following connections.
Pins 1 – screen
Pin 2 – signal (blue or white)
Pin 3 – pre-amp power
(red or black) 12 volt
The other end of the cable must be connected to the terminal block on the
PCB as shown below:
J11/1 – Screen
J11/2 – Signal (blue or white)
J11/3 – Preamp power (red or brown) +12 volt
The microphone cable should be inserted through the far left slot in the lower
bottom of the case. A cable grip is provided which should be placed around
the cable approximately 150mm (6 inches) from the bare ends of the cable.
This should then be pushed home through the slot to hold the cable tight and
prevent it from pulling out. It may be necessary to compress the cable grip
using a pair of pliers to insert it through the slot.