M e n u f u n c t i o n s
to synchronize the time. Your organisation
can define if the terminal synchronizes to Network time, GPS time, or both.
to synchronize the clock automatically. Select
if you
want to confirm synchronization manually. If you don't want the clock to be
synchronized at all, select
If the battery is removed from the radio for a long time or if the battery is
completely empty, you may need to set the time and date again.
You can inform the network that you are using a particular radio by selecting
and entering your radio user number. If you do not enter your
radio user number,
is displayed. After you have
entered the radio user number, the radio asks for your radio user PIN code. If
a radio user PIN code is not needed, just press
. If the login is successful,
is displayed. If the login fails,
is displayed. If you select
. Note that the network can also initiate aliasing login.
When aliasing login is about to end,
Aliasing login is about to end. Re-login
is displayed. Select
. When the network cancels aliasing
Aliasing login ended. Re-login again?
In a situation where the network changes the radio user number, either
you can either accept or reject the new number by pressing
You can log out from aliasing by selecting
and entering your radio
user number. After you have entered the radio user number, the radio asks for
your radio user PIN code. If a radio user PIN code is not needed, just press
. If the logout is successful,
is displayed. If the logout fails,
is displayed.
Polaris_en_print.book Page 93 Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:30 PM