Cassida 8800R Mixed Currency Counter & Sorter
Bills may stick to each other due to excessive dirt, folding or various other reasons. The Cassida
8800R uses infrared light-based technology to determine whether two bills are stuck together.
This feature is active automatically in all modes.
If a double bill is encountered the unit will beep and display a DOUBLE message with instructions
on the screen. To clear the error, all bills must be removed from the stacker. To avoid a miscount,
bills need to be recounted.
The Cassida 8800R utilizes a self-checking system that alerts the user in cases when several notes
pass through the counting mechanism at once. This feature is activated in all modes.
If the unit detects a chain error, it will beep and display a CHAIN message with instructions on the
screen. To clear the error, all bills must be removed from the stacker. To avoid miscount, bills need
to be recounted.
The Cassida 8800R utilizes a contact image sensor, (CIS), to recognize the value of the bill. This
feature is activated in MIX, SORT, VSORT, FACE and ORIENT modes.
If the unit is unable to recognize the bill, it will beep and display an IMAGE message with
instructions on the screen. To clear the error, the suspect bill must be removed from the stacker.
Please note that suspicious bills are not added to the count.
5.3 Double Note Detection
5.4 Chain Note Detection
5.5 Contact Image Sensor