Editing a Tone
Filter. For details, see the melody tone “Filter” (page EN-26).
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Filter”
(page EN-26). You can input a value in the range from 0 to 127.
Cutoff, Resonance
Filter Type
Filter type. Specifies the range cut by the filter.
LPF1: 6dB/oct filter for low-frequency band components. No resonance
effect. Suitable for acoustic instruments.
LPF2: 12dB/oct filter for low-frequency band components. No
resonance effect. Suitable for acoustic instruments.
LPF3: 12dB/oct filter for low-frequency band components. With
resonance effect. Suitable for synthesized tones.
BPF: 6dB/oct filter for band components in the vicinity of the cutoff
frequency. With resonance effect.
HPF: 12dB/oct filter for high-frequency band components. With
resonance effect.
Refer to the cell to the
Velocity Sense
Velocity sense. Specifies the degree of change in the filter in accordance
with keyboard press velocity.
–64 to 0 to +63
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Filter”
(page EN-26). You can input a value in the range from 0 to 127.
Attack Level, Envelope Depth
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Pitch
Envelope” (page EN-25). You can input a value in the range from 0 to
Initial Level, Attack Time
Decay 1 Time
Decay 1 time. Time it takes for the sound to reach the Decay 1 level from
the attack level.
0 to 127
Decay 1 Level
Decay 1 level. Target level for change from the attack level up to the
Decay 1 level.
0 to 127
Decay 2 Time
Decay 2 time. Time it takes for the sound to reach the Decay 2 level from
the Decay 1 level.
0 to 127
Decay 2 Level
Decay 2 level. Second target level for change from Decay 1 level up to the
Decay 2 level.
0 to 127
Decay 3 Time
Decay 3 time. Time it takes for the sound to reach the Decay 3 level from
the Decay 2 level.
0 to 127
Decay 3 Level
Decay 3 level. Third target level for change from Decay 2 level up to the
Decay 3 level.
0 to 127
Release 1 Time Release 1 time. Time it takes to reach Release Level 1 after a key is
0 to 127
Release 1 Level Release 1 level. Target level reached immediately after a key is released.
0 to 127
Release 2 Time Release 2 time. Time it takes to reach Release Level 2 from Release
Level 1.
0 to 127
Release 2 Level Release 2 level. Second target level reached after a key is released.
0 to 127
Low Key Follow
Low key follow. Adjusts the amount of filter change between
neighboring keyboard keys. A greater value represents greater change. A
positive (+) value specifies a lower cut off frequency for the low-range
–128 to 0 to +127
Low Key
Low Key. Applies the low key follow effect to the keys on the low range
(left) side of the key specified by this setting.
C-1 - G9
(Low Key High Key)
High Key Follow
High key follow. Adjusts the amount of filter change between
neighboring keyboard keys. A greater value represents greater change. A
positive (+) value specifies a higher cut off frequency for the high-range
–128 to 0 to +127
High Key
High key. Applies the high key follow effect to the keys on the high range
(right) side of the key specified by this setting.
C-1 - G9
(Low Key High Key)
LFO Layer Depth
LFO layer depth. Adjusts how LFO is applied to each layer.
0 to 127
Display Name
PX560-ES-1A.indd 33
2015/06/18 14:53:46