CashConcepts Europe GmbH
Kemptener Straße 99 – D-88131 Lindau / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)8382 – 943 15 – 0 / Fax: +49 (0)8382 – 943 15 – 20
Email: [email protected] / Web:
Commissioning and Quick Start
Please observe the following instructions when installing and operating the machine in order to obtain optimum counting results.
Connect the power plug to the wall outlet
Now connect the power cord to the CCE 315 BASE and turn the machine on.
Insert the banknotes in that way, that one length side of all notes is in one line and enter the notes in the middle of the
hopper, to get an optimal counting result. Open the feeder only as width as necessary, so that also the smaller notes can be
counted perfect. If the feeder is not adjust correctly especially at the Euro, the machine is not able to count correctly.
If the notes are not centered or placed correctly, it may lead to incorrect counts or non-recognition and of notes.
Selection of counting mode
Selection of currency
Use the CUR button to select the desired currency. The currency
code (EUR = EUR, GBP = British Pound, etc.) is displayed in the upper
left corner.
Mixed value counting
Use the Mode button to select the counting mode Mix. In this mode,
you can count unsorted banknotes of the selected currency. The
selected counting mode is displayed in the upper display area in the
In the display you can see both the number of counted notes, as well
as the total value. Press the REP button to see the report of your
counting. By pressing REP longer, you can print out the report via an
optional printer.
€ 2500
Sorted Counting
Use the Mode button to select the counting mode Sort. In this mode,
you can count sorted banknotes of the selected currency. The
selected counting mode is displayed in the upper display area in the
In the display you can see the number of counted notes. The machine
stops if a different denomination or currency than the first counted
banknote is in the staple of counted banknotes.
Free Count
Use the Mode button to choose the Free Count with UV detection
mode. In this mode, you can count sorted banknotes and banknote
similar documents, which have UV security features. Please note that
the dimensions of such banknotes or documents must be the same
otherwise the machine recognizes different sizes as faulty.