Casablanca Fan Co. - Factory Service Department - Technical Library
File Name (TBW500ConvertW505.pmd) RAS 05-18-2007
Step #5:
With all of the wires tucked in as shown in (fig-
ure #8), it is time to close the canopy. By lifting up on
the fan and at the same time swinging the canopy closed.
In some cases this may take two people.
(Figure #8)
W505 Receiver Installation
W505 Receiver Installation
Step #6:
Once you have the canopy closed and screw
holes lined up, screw in the three screws as shown.
Now it is time to lift the trim ring up and into place.
Once you get the trim cover up over the 3 screws, lift it
a little higher until the trim ring snaps into place as shown.
Congratulations, you’re done with the wiring, check your
work and finish installing your fan.
Before starting step #6, review page #10
on helpful hints for closing the canopy without
needing the third hand or another person to help