Testing photocell, page 7
Location of CT-A1, page 8
Entry delay time, page 10
When trouble-shooting a CF-2C system that is false alarming, check the ground system. House
electrical panel grounds can cause transient feedback that could cause false alarms.
To determine if false alarms are board related or probe system related, disconnect the probe and
connect a 500 to 1000 ohm resistor across terminals 17 and 19 and leave it connected for a long
period of time. If the board false alarms, it is circuit board related or ground system related. If it does
not false alarm with the resistor installed, then the probe system is suspect.
NOTE: when troubleshooting the CF-2C, an active cell phone within five feet of the control
unit will cause the system to false alarm.
If either the probe or control unit fails the test, call
technical staff using the
(800) 878-7829
number. Further instructions will be given or authorization to return the ostensibly defective product
for testing and repair. If the probe is bad, there is no way of repairing it. It is recommended that all
repairs be returned directly to Cartell and not be sent through a distributor.
The cable supplied with your system is coated with polyurethane because it will bond with epoxy
and make a sealed splice. If you purchase your own cable, make sure it is polyurethane coated or it
will not splice. Improper cable splices will cause false alarms. To insure a proper splice, follow the
instructions below.
Two items are necessary when splicing, both available from Cartell: First, a two-wire shielded direct
burial cable (unshielded cable and PVC jacketed cable will not
give proper splices). Second, an underground splice kit (made
by 3M, part #82-F1; Cartell's part number is CA-1). The following
instructions assume you have these products.
1. See Figure A. Strip the outer jacket on one cable back 10
inches and cut the RED and BLACK leads to 3 inches. Leave
the SHIELD drain wire the full 10 inch length. Strip the outer
jacket off the mating cable back 3 inches and strip the jacket of
the RED and BLACK lead of both cables back ½ inch. Twist the
BLACK to BLACK and RED to RED and solder the connections.
2. See Figure B. Trim the RED and BLACK joints and tape for
proper insulation. Twist the 3 inch SHIELD drain wire to the 10
inch SHIELD drain wire and solder the connection. DO NOT cut
off the excess SHIELD drain wire.
3. See Figure C. Wrap aluminum foil around the splice area (to
properly shield it). Wrap the 10 inch SHIELD drain wire tightly
around the outside of the foil and solder it to itself in order to
hold it in place. This procedure insures that any signal to the
splice SHIELD will drain to ground and thus prevent false
4. See Figure D. Place an underground splice kit potting
container around the spliced cable and epoxy, following the kit
instructions carefully.
www.GateOpenerSafety.com | (800) 878-7829 | [email protected]