CARSON 3D Helicopter Bluster 507012
h. Balancing the main rotor blades and tail blades
Check and correct the balance of the main rotor blades before
your first flight. Place a 3M screw through the two main blades
as shown in the diagram. Tighten the blades and ensure that
they are straight as shown in the diagram. Add tape to the
higher blade until the two blades become level. Repeat the
same process for the tail blades.
Mark for adjustment
i. Adjusting blad tracking
Using the small coloured pieces of tape provided in the kit, affix
the tape to the ends of the rotor blades as shown in the picture.
Hover the helicopter and observe the blade tips, they should
appear to be on one plane or you should see just one blade
when viewed from the end of the blades. If one blade appears
higher than the other adjust the low blade by turning the ball
link one turn at a time either clockwise or counter clockwise
until both blades are tracking on the same plane, see diagram.
This adjustment is done at the blade grip to ball link connec-
Never keep your eyes on the level of revolving blades to
avoid any hurt from flying off blades accidentally.
Mark for adjustment
Mark for adjustment
j. Power checking
Please check the following items when power and speed
appear low.
1. Whether the battery has enough power to properly power
the motor.
2. Pitch is too high or too low (over pitch will affect power and
flight times).
3. Blade tracking is correct, if the blades are out of track there
will be less power and more vibration.
4. There is a shake when spooling up the helicopter, either
fighten or loosen the blade grips so that both blades are
equally tight.