9. Set tracker sleep out time
Send SMS “sleepout,0#” (time unit is minutes, from 0-1800, 0 means no sleepout) to the
tracker to set the sleepout time, after set sleepout time, the tracker will back to online every interval time
and sleep again, this can keep the tracker update the location every interval time. the tracker will reply
set sleepout time OK. If the tracker has no reply, please check the tracker work properly and confirm the
SMS command is right.
10. Set shock sensor time
Send SMS “motion,5#” (time unit is seconds, from 1-10, default is 5) to the tracker to set the
shock sensor trigger time, the upload is trigger by shock sensor, only continuously moving can trigger
shock sensor, set the shock sensor time longer will make the shock sensitivity lower. the tracker will
reply set sleepout time OK. If the tracker has no reply, please check the tracker work properly and
confirm the SMS command is right.
Note: don’t set shock sensor time too small, it is easy to trigger the tracker alarming or
uploading tracking to the server even the tracker do not move.
11. Re-power on tracker
Send SMS “reset#” to tracker can make the tracker power off and power on again, some time
the tracker can not online, send the reset command, the tracker will re-power on a few minutes later.
12. Restore to factory setting (Back to Default)
Send SMS “factory#” to the tracker, the tracker will delete all user setting, and restore all setting
to factory mode, just like a new tracker, and the tracker will repower on after delete user setting. If the
user have changed the setting, such as APN, IP, center number, etc, you need set this again after back
to factory mode.
Platform Operation Please Refer Platform Operation Guide
Please confirm that the SIM card PIN code has been disabled, it means if mobile phone use
this SIM card, it is not necessary to input any password. Otherwise the tracker can not find
GSM network, the Green LED will keep ON .
This tracker use 2G GSM network, and it upload tracking only through 2G GPRS, it can not