Installation Requirements
Air Conditioning
The air cleaners are used in forced air heating, cooling and ventilating
systems. The air cleaner should be installed in the system so that all the
system air is circulated through the air cleaner. The air cleaner will only
remove the airborne contaminants delivered to it. Maximum performance
is obtained when the system blower is set for continuous operation.
The best location for the air cleaner is in the return air duct next to the
blower compartment. In this location, the blower motor and cooling coils
will be kept clean. Do not install the air cleaner in the discharge air duct.
Before installing the air cleaner, consider the application. If a transition is
required, refer to section entitled
. The unit must be readily
accessible for periodic inspection and replacement of media cartridge to
maintain maximum efficiency and trouble-free operation.
The air cleaner should be installed upstream of the cooling coil. This will
keep the coil clean and reduce air conditioning coil maintenance.
Improved cooling efficiency is the result which directly affects energy
costs. A clean coil will reduce utility costs. Failure to replace media can
cause damage to cooling system.
If the air duct does not fit the air cleaner cabinet opening, gradual
transitions are recommended to reduce air turbulence through the air
cleaner and maximize efficiency. Not more than 20° (about 4" per running
foot) of expansion should be used on each side of the transition fitting
(Figure 2).