not be energized again for 30 minutes. 4 - Heating and
cooling outputs will be energized no more than 4 times per
hour. When an output is energized, it will not be energized
again for 15 minutes. 6 - Heating and cooling outputs will
be energized no more than 6 times per hour. When an
output is energized, it will not be energized again for 10
minutes. The default is 4.
selection is only available for heat pump systems. This
determines the minimum number of minutes of equipment
operation on the highest compressor stage before allowing
the transition to auxiliary heat. Available selections are 10,
15, 20, and 25 minutes. The time between stages of low
speed and high speed of any individual piece of equipment,
such as low speed and high speed compressor or fan coil
stages, will be fixed at 10 minutes. The default is 15 minutes.
When set to OF (off), the backlight will be lit for 10 seconds
after a button is pressed. After 10 seconds of no button
presses, the backlight turns off. When On, the backlight
will normally be dim in appearance. The backlight bright-
ness becomes brighter when a button is pressed. After 10
seconds of no button presses, the backlight will return to
the dimmer level until another button press occurs. The
range of brightness is 1 through 5 with 5 being full bright-
ness. The default is 3.
PLAY ADJUSTMENT (OFFSET) — This selection allows
the calibration or deliberate miscalibration of the outdoor air
temperature sensor reading. The selection ranges from –5
to +5 F. The default is 0.
MODE — Changing the display from OF to SE using the up
or down button will initiate a wireless message to facilitate
end to end testing of the wireless connection. The thermo-
stat will communicate to the Utility I/O board to send a
wireless message to the server. The Utility I/O board will
monitor the status of the message and send this informa-
tion back to the thermostat. When a test message is in
progress, “SE” will be shown in the room temperature
display followed by "LI". The clock display will increment
indicating how long the test has been in progress. If the
test message was successfully sent and received by the
wireless connection, “PAS” will be displayed in the clock
location. If the message was not successfully sent and
received, F1 or F2 will be displayed in the clock location.
(F1—cannot send message; F2—message sent, no reply.)
The installer can cancel the self test at any time by pressing
the up/down button and changing the room air display to
OF. To initiate another test, the setting must be set back to
SE. Allowable selections are OF (off) and SE (serial test).
Use UP or DOWN button to select between OF (off) and SE
(serial test). The default is OF (off).
OPTION 21 — KEYPAD LOCKOUT — This selection
allows the installer to limit access to the keypad. Selections
are OF (off), 1, 2, 3. When set to OF (off), the user has full
access to the keypad. When set to 1, the user has access to
modify set points (within the set point limits of OPTION 26
and OPTION 27) and time of day and the calendar. The
occupied button is functional. When set to 2, the user has
access to change the set points only. The occupied button
is functional. When set to 3, the entire keypad is locked.
When a button is pressed, the backlight will turn on but
none of the operating parameters will be changed. When
the keypad lock selection is turned on, the padlock icon will
be displayed. To unlock the keypad, press and hold the UP
and DOWN buttons simultaneously for five seconds.
When the keypad is unlocked, the padlock icon will turn
off. The keypad will remain unlocked for two minutes after
the last button press. After two minutes with no button
presses, the keypad will lock again. The keypad will not
lock in the software configuration mode or in the installer
test mode. The default is OF (off).
selection is not available on Heat Only and Cool Only
systems. The system must have no demand in the current
mode for the selected number of minutes before the AUTO
mode will be allowed to change between heating and
cooling or vice versa. Allowable selections are 5, 10, 15, 20,
25, 30 minutes. The default is 30.
This selection allows the installer to configure the minimum
cooling set point that the user is allowed to set. The range
takes into account the value of the adjustable deadband
Option 11. The range is 50
F (plus the adjustable
deadband) to 90
F. The default is 52
F (based on the
adjustable deadband default of 2).
This selection allows the installer to configure the maximum
heating set point. The range is based on the adjustable
deadband value Option 11. The range is 50
F to 90
F minus
the deadband. The default is 88
F (based on the adjustable
deadband default of 2).
— This option should be left at the default setting of 1P
(single piece installation), which is the required setting for
use with the 2-way radio. 2P (two piece installation) is for
future use. The default is 1P.
this capability to reset the control to “out of the box”
IMPORTANT: All configuration settings, program
settings, clock, and calendar settings which have been
manually entered will be lost and reset.
When this option is selected, the number 99 will appear in
the cool set point location (left) and the number 10 will
appear in the heat set point location (right). To perform the
reset, first use the MODE button to move the box from the
99 to the 10. Press and hold the DOWN button. The 10 will
start counting down toward zero. If the DOWN button is
kept pressed until the count reaches zero, the reset will be
performed. When the value reaches zero, the heat set point
will display “-.” The cool set point will display “-” and the
air temperature will display “Fd.” When the factory defaults
have been restored, the thermostat will act as if power was
cycled and return to normal operation. If the DOWN button
is released early, the number will return to 10 and the reset
will not occur. After the reset, the installer should enter the
installer configuration to verify that it is configured for the
thermostat application.