At power up the thermostat displays all segments for a few
seconds. Follow the instructions below to enter configura-
tion mode and set the configuration options.
To Enter and Exit Configuration Mode — Press
and hold the FAN button for approximately 10 seconds.
The display module will now be in Configuration mode. The
module will automatically exit this mode if no button is
pressed for 3 minutes. Pressing the DONE button will exit
Configuration mode immediately.
While in Configuration Mode — The option number is
displayed in the lower right corner of the display in the heat
set point location and the configuration setting is displayed
in the cool set point location. A box will surround the
option number. The MODE button is used to move the box
between the two displayed values or the softkeys below
the values may also be used. The value inside the box is
changed by using the UP or DOWN button. All changes
made are saved at the time of selection and will be saved in
the event of the 3-minute timeout or when installer exits
from configuration menu. See the table on the next page for
the list of configuration options. Each option is described
Configuration Options
OPTION 01 — EQUIPMENT TYPE — Determines the
control method of the thermostat. It should match the type
of equipment used. Equipment Types are as follows: H2 -
Two speed Heat Pump with a fan coil, HP - Single speed
Heat Pump with a fan coil, A2 -Two speed AC with a
furnace, AC -Single speed AC with a furnacel, H - Heat only
system. Furnace or fan coil only; no outdoor unit, C - Cool
only system. Outdoor AC unit with an indoor fan coil with
no strip heaters.
the hours of fan operation (heating, cooling, or fan) before
CHECK FILTER icon is displayed. With OF selected, the
icon will never come on, disabling this feature. Time
selection can range from 800 to 7200 hours by selecting
numbers 1 through 9. The time is 800 hours times the
number selected. Default is 1 (800 hr). Recommended
selections are disposable filter-800 to 2400 hrs, media filter-
2400 to 3200 hrs, or electronic air cleaner-1600 to 2400 hr of
fan operation. For higher efficiency filter, consult filter
— Determines whether fan (G) output is to be On or Off
when any W (furnace or strip heat) output is On. Most
furnaces and fan coils manage their own blowers and do
not require a separate G signal. For these applications,
Fig. 7 - System Wiring