The rotor bearings are lubricated for life and do not
require maintenance. The drive motor is accessible.
The belt is automatically tensioned by a spring-loaded
rocking base on which the motor is installed. New belts
expand a lot in the beginning. Check after two days if
the belt still has enough tension. After this check the
belt tension weekly during the first month and then
check it once a month.
For further operation and maintenance details on the
heat recovery wheel/controller refer to the
documentation provided by the supplier.
The following warning label is located on the panel:
rotating parts.
7.12 - Plate Heat Exchanger
Check the plate heat exchanger once a year for
contamination and if necessary clean with compressed
air against the direction of the air flow. If dampers are
used, follow the instructions in section 7.6
Check condensate pan for contamination and clean if
7.13 - Fan
7.13.1 – General
The data for the belt type, belt tension, and number of
belts, size and type of pulley is indicated on a label
attached to the fan access door.
7.13.2 - Bearings
The bearings of the smaller fan types cannot be
lubricated. If the larger fans are of the re-lubricated
type, then they should be lubricated every six months.
For higher temperatures and increased contamination
the lubrication interval should be adjusted as required.
The standard lubricant is Shell Alvania R3. For higher
temperatures and a higher degree of humidity use a
lubricant recommended by the supplier.
The electric motors are equipped with roller bearings.
Depending on the motor size the bearings are
lubricated for life or are equipped with a grease nipple.
The lubrication interval and type of lubricant are as
7.13.3 - Transmission
After starting up the unit, but also after replacing the
belts the belt tension has to be checked within one
week and then after two weeks and further tensioned if
required. After that check the belt tension and inspect
the condition of the belts every three months.
The Correct Belt Tension depends on:
- The belt type.
- Power to be transmitted.
- Belt velocity.
The belt tension is calculated for each transmission. If
the belt tension is too high this can result in bearing
wear and vibration, if it is too low this can result in belt
slippage and belt wear.
Sequence for installation of new belts:
- Ensure that the pulleys are correctly aligned. If
necessary re-align.
- Position all belts loosely on the pulleys; do not pull
tensioned belts over the pulleys.
- Tension the belts and check the tension with a Sonic
Tension Meter.
- Re-check the alignment.
If the fan speed changes or if a motor with different
power specifications and/or speed is installed, the
manufacturer must be informed. The supplier must re-
calculate the bearing load as well as the impeller load.
If this is not done, irreparable damage to the fan may
incur. The supplier does not accept any responsibility
for modifications that have not been approved. See
chapter 1.1.
- The warning pictograms indicating rotating parts,
electrical voltage and opening of doors are attached to
the door.
7.14 - Sound Attenuator
Under normal conditions the sound dampers are
maintenance-free. Nevertheless it is recommended to
check the attenuators once a year for possible damage
and loose fibers, in order to prevent further
contamination of the system.
While working on the fan the switch has
to be locked open.
The air flow may cause stationary parts
to move (even a fan that is switched off)