For your oWn saFety , read this manual careFully beFore using the machine.
Safety inStructionS
When using the machine, always observe the enclosed safety instructions, as well as the additional safety instructions.
the following symbols are used throughout this manual:
Denotes risk of personal injury or damage to the tool.
additional safety instructions for polishing machines.
• only switch the machine on and off while holding the polishing wheel to the surface to be polished.
• only apply a light pressure to the machine.
• When dry-polishing, always wear a dust mask.
• Do not eat, drink or smoke while using the machine.
• use only a limited amount of polishing paste. using to much paste could cause the polishing cover to slide off the polishing wheel.
electrical Safety
always check that the power supply corresponds to the voltage on the rating plate.
Description: your polishing machine was designed for polishing the painted surfaces of cars.
fitting poliShing coverS
the machine is supplied with a fine and a coarse polishing cover. the coarse cover is used to apply polishing paste, the fine cover to
polish it up.
• put the machine on a table with the polishing wheel pointing up.
• pull the polishing cover over the polishing wheel.
the polishing cover should be firmly and evenly on the polishing wheel.
SWitching on anD off
• to switch on the machine, slide the on/off switch to the front.
• to switch off the machine, slide the on/off switch to the back.
• fit the coarse polishing cover.
• evenly apply the polishing paste over the surface of the polishing cover.
• hold the polishing wheel to the surface to be polished and switch on the machine.
• Move the machine evenly over the surface to be polished, without applying pressure. always switch off the machine before taking the
machine from the surface.
• after polishing the whole car, remove the coarse polishing cover from the polishing wheel and fit the fine polishing cover.
• polish up the polishing paste, in the same way and order as you applied it.
tipS for optiMuM poliShing
• Wash the car at least once every two weeks. always start at the top and work your way down.
• polish the car 2 or 3 times per year.
• first polish the large surfaces (such as the roof and bonnet), then the smaller surfaces (such as doors). polish confined parts by
• always use clean polishing covers.
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