This vacuum cleaner comes equipped with a Manual Reset Thermal Fuse Protector.
The thermal protector is designed to protect the vacuum cleaner from overheating
due to a cutoff in airflow (i.e. clogged hose, operating the vacuum without a bag).
Should this situation occur, the thermal fuse protector will safely shut off the vacuum
cleaner to avoid any potential damage.
To Reset the Thermal Fuse
1. Unplug the vacuum cleaner.
2. Check for problem (over-filled bag, clog in hose, clogged filters, etc.).
3. Correct problem.
4. Locate “tripped” fuse — the small black button located on the lower left side
on the back of the main body (roughly one inch to the right of the left wheel).
5. Using a pencil, paper clip, or other pointy object, push the reset button.
6. Plug vacuum cleaner in and begin using.
Please return to a Service Center if the problem continues or if you have any questions.